SUMMARY This dramatic comedy follows four generations of Black women who get together to celebrate the 90th birthday of the family matriarch, MaDear. Though they’ve gathered for a celebration, dysfunction among the family members ensues throughout the play in this ultimately heartwarming story about motherhood, sisterhood, and family.
Needed: 5 actors 18+ years old
MaDear Maydee Lola Vennie Raisa
PROCESS Be prepared to read from the script.Sides will be emailed to you prior to audition and/or posted onto this website.
Email a headshot & resume (if applicable) to [email protected] prior to your online audition AND fill out audition form (will be emailed once audition is scheduled)
PLEASE NOTE We are committed to inclusive, diverse casting. For every role, we will consider qualified performers, without regard to age, sex, ethnicity, disability, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity or any other basis prohibited by law unless otherwise specifically indicated by the licensing company and playwright.